We stood on the train on the way down. Reading upright for most of it, I still marvel at how you can disappear into another world even amidst the most distracting of circumstances, like trying to stay upright. When we finally got seats the Italians around us, all strangers to each other, pulled out strawberries, huge and shining, and offered them around the carriage. Insisting that they take more and more until the carriage was full of smiling faces bighting in to bright soft red jewels.
In Naples we walked with our faces screwed up in the force of the sun. The noise and the dirt and the crazy, strong natured people surprised us. Yelling, pushing, racing, honking, whistling, they are a very intense city of people.
Sorrento at last and we were welcomed at Hotel Londra with an unexpected 3 course dinner which we could barely fit in! Food coma and bed.
Amalfi for us was about the pastries and churches. There's is large and intimidating, rising several stories high suddenly out of nowhere when you round a corner. It is a strange stripy orange against the green green mountains. Stripy churches seem to be a trend in Italy, the duomo in Florence springs to mind...
The drive back to Positano was splendid. As the last one on the bus I got to sit in the jump seat. The perfect spot for viewing the incredible scenery but also a terrifying spot for watching Italian driving. My heart was in my mouth for much of the driving including one point when I exclaimed 'Mama mia!' out loud, and I think the driver laughed at me.
That night we again ate well at the hotel and then fell heavily in to bed.
The next day broke more promisingly than the last however the cost of the ferry across to Capri put us off our initial plans. Instead we walked to the town again before catching the train back to Naples, winding our way through towns where lemons as big as my head practically pressed themselves against the windows from the trees tightly boardering the train, merging this slowly with stations covered in graffiti, red tape and rubbish the closer we got to Mt vesuvious. We made it just in time for our connecting train, again packed full, and watched movies for the three hours back....